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What is Sound Healing?

Sound healing or sound meditation is literally a meditation on sound. We open ourselves to deep and mindful listening - activating our observational senses to experience sound with the whole body.


You may begin to notice how the various tones and instruments activate, stimulate, and relax different parts of your physical body.


We also bring awareness to how Sound can affect the emotional body - releasing residues of grief, stress, anxiety, and anger or opening to feeling more joy, love, peace, and gratitude.


As the mind engages in active listening the sound soothes the mental body. By creating an engaging soundscape, there is s less room for thinking and more space for inner observation and appreciation of the sounds.


Sound helps to facilitate shifts in our brainwave state by entrainment. By using rhythm and frequency, we can affect our brainwaves to slow our normal beta state (normal waking consciousness) to alpha (relaxed consciousness), theta (meditative and/or creative state), and delta (sleep; deep healing).


Some people may experience an activation of the spiritual body and have astral body experiences - traveling to distant lands of past, present, or future. Many reports connect with departed loved ones as the veil of our world and theirs becomes easier to cross when we reach deeper states of meditation and relaxation.


Sound waves themselves are also incredibly healing - reaching the body at a cellular level and attuning the body’s resonance, bringing us back into harmony with our own natural frequencies rather than the cacophony of digital and electromagnetic frequencies we are surrounded by in our modern technological landscape.


Whether you have an existing meditation practice or have never meditated before, guided sound meditation can help you access deeper states of relaxation, inner knowing, and profound connection. Our group sessions are inclusive, conscious, and caring.

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